How to create easy drawing "The Drawing Journey"


Title: "The Art of Simple Drawing: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners"

Introduction : Drawing, an expressive form of art, transcends barriers and allows for boundless creativity. For beginners stepping into the world of drawing, the journey begins with simplicity. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the step-by-step process of creating a simple yet engaging drawing, catering to those just embarking on their artistic endeavors.

Materials Needed

Before diving into the creative process, gather the essential materials:

  1. Paper: A smooth, medium-weight paper provides a suitable surface for drawing.
  2. Pencils: A set of graphite pencils ranging from H (hard) to B (soft) for varied line weights.
  3. Eraser: A kneaded or rubber eraser for precise corrections.
  4. Drawing Surface: A flat, well-lit surface for comfortable drawing.

Step 1: Preliminary Sketch and Conceptualization

Begin by envisioning the subject of your drawing. For simplicity, let's choose a basic object - a fruit, such as an apple. Start with a light, simple sketch outlining the shape of the fruit. Use basic shapes like circles and ovals to define the form. Remember, this initial sketch acts as a guide and can be refined in subsequent steps.

Step 2: Outlining and Detailing

Refine the preliminary sketch by outlining the basic shapes more distinctly. Add details such as the stem and any defining features, keeping the lines light and loose. Pay attention to proportions and perspectives, but don't worry about perfection at this stage; the goal is to capture the essence of the subject.

Step 3: Building Depth and Shadows

To create depth and realism, introduce shading. Identify a light source - imagine where the light falls on the fruit. Using a softer pencil (B-grade), lightly shade areas where shadows would naturally form. Gradually build up the layers of shading, focusing on gradual transitions between light and dark areas. Use hatching or cross-hatching techniques for texture and depth.

Step 4: Adding Texture and Details

Enhance the drawing by adding texture and finer details. For the apple's surface, consider its smoothness and any imperfections. Use varying pencil strokes or blending tools to simulate the texture realistically. Pay attention to the stem, adding subtle lines or shading to denote its texture and form.

Step 5: Refinement and Finishing Touches

Evaluate the drawing as a whole. Refine any areas that need adjustments or detailing. Erase any unnecessary lines and smudges, ensuring a clean and polished finish. Adjust contrasts and shadows to create a sense of realism. Use the eraser to create highlights and add a sense of shine or reflection.

Step 6: Sign and Appreciate Your Work

As the drawing nears completion, sign your artwork discreetly. Take a step back and appreciate your creation. Every drawing, no matter how simple, is a testament to your creativity and effort.


Drawing, a beautiful form of expression, begins with simplicity. This step-by-step guide aimed at beginners demonstrates the process of creating a simple yet engaging drawing. Through foundational techniques such as sketching, shading, and detailing, you've embarked on a creative journey that can be expanded upon with practice and exploration.

Remember, drawing is a skill that improves with dedication and practice. Experiment with different subjects, explore various techniques, and allow your imagination to flourish. The beauty of art lies not just in the final creation but in the process itself - a journey of self-expression and discovery.

This guide aims to introduce beginners to the process of creating a simple drawing, emphasizing foundational techniques and encouraging exploration and practice in the realm of art.

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